Long Moment Of MIA · 7:57am Nov 14th, 2018
Halo, bagi mereka yang mengenal saya di website ini.
Forgive me that I've been gone for a bloody long time.
And I know you're waiting for the next chapter on my Dead Space story.
But I've been dealing with some.... issues at home and the goddamn school.
Along with the editor of mine dealing the same damn thing as me, except it's college instead of school.
So, looks like the the Dead Space story have to hold for the moment
Yo! Where the heck is your amazing Dead Space and Anon-A-Miss crossover, dude??!!

Will you be bringing dead space dead sunset back? Maybe at least on fanfiction?
Good to hear that
Good taste you have here.
Ya'r welcome, mate!
Here, have a song.