• Member Since 18th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 21st


There is nothing important here.

A Land Where Only I Am Missing

You blink. Something is off. Something is missing. There is a gaping hole in your memories, a stretch of time that you could not recall expereincing.

A face. There is a face, one which is so sad yet smiles so brightly.

You try to remember -

You blink. What are you idling around for, again? It is time to get going.

There is nothing important here.

The "Best" of My Work.

Procrastination for Dummies: Why I Don't Publish Often

I’m lazy. That and I have a lot of things to do and writing is not high on the priority list. Simple, really. Not a high demand for my writing, so stories are done on a “Whenever the fuck I feel like it.” basis.

Now, back to more pressing matters...

Look, I just put shit in here, feel free to read it.

Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

I like you

I actually once played with the idea of writing a Displaced fic with the main characters having dressed up as Reeka and Draggle. You know, the daughter witches from MLP generation one. Never got around to it, but the idea was so gloriously stupid and I really wanted to take the piss out of all those Displaced fics flooding the site...

Well, I'm glad your pessimistic as a whole, not just to other people.
I was typing, and for some reason I remembered you, though I probably shouldn't have. Anyway, hope you have a good one.
(No sarcasm. I mean it.)

Good to hear...

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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Legend's Log: Date Unknown · 2:38pm Jul 8th, 2018

The log crackles into life, the sound of interference fills the silence as a human voice speaks up

"If you're listening to this, then I'm already gone." a male's voice states, seeming slightly upset. "I have seen what Equestria has to offer and while my exploits here were great, all good things must come to an end."

the sound of rushed packing occur for several seconds

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