Twilight Sparkle has cast loose the magic of Equestria and has been corrupted into a being that craves knowledge, no matter the cost. So, it’s up to Sunset Shimmer to save the day, right?
Yeah, about that…
Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions!
Wonderful cover art by shonuff44!
One of the BEST stories on fimfiction!
"That's barely more of a handle than anyone in our family has."
I'd hoped someone would write a story based on that image. I should've known it'd be you, and I mean that in the best way. Brilliant logic with making Sunny Flare the responsible Shadowbolt. Eagerly looking forward to more. Here's hoping that space-time rift doesn't grow out of control during the playdate.
What the hell did I just read. There. Now that I've fulfilled an apparent contractual obligation, this was a hilarious read!![:pinkiecrazy:](
This chapter was hilarious.
Mama beats demigoddess.
I was actually thinking of writing a story about this. Beat me to it.
Nova posted the image on Skype, I think I was writing this within the hour.
I have no idea what the actual hay I just read, but I absolutely LOVE IT!!! And it's marked incomplete! MORE!!!
Now we need a unnecessary continuation of this...
How evil.
She's mad.
That's a THING?
You make a valid point.
That is a very valid decision.
It's infinitely worse. Quite literally. So, you are technically correct. The best kind of correct.
She tried to commit Omnicide.
That's, a new one.
Despite it being currently being overcast.
Technically, I think you were going to go around destroying dimension after dimension for knowledge.
Is it ever an acceptable activity for ANYONE of ANY age?
I don't know who you are.
Don't bother.
You are insane.
Oh boy!
Go fuck yourself, that's the meaning of it.
Plead your case even one goddamn time!
Why DO women's clothings never have pockets? It feels like a serious design oversight.
How's the view from your GLASS HOUSE?
... You worry me.
That was a VERY poor choice of words.
I rest my case.
That is not hard.
Because SHE didn't pressure a student into nearly comitting OMNICIDE.
I don't say this often, but you're a stupid fucking cunt.
And who'd that be, YOU?
She absolutely does.
Hey, don't you insult Barbarians!
Ooh! I'm putting 5€ on Celestia!
She's not here right now.
That's technically correct.
She has a point.
She has you there.
I disagree QUITE strongly.
I'm, all for shipping but, what?
Tell that to to Princess Twilight.
For fuck's sake!
Is this really the time?
That, yes.
A fair point.
You scare me.
She has a point.
Destiny huh?
(Y'know, if this was 1 word longer, it'd be an even 7K.)
I call a vote on making Justice3442 pay a dollar into the Saidisms jar every time he uses 'quipped' in a sentence. All in favor?
...I think this is one of the more crack-ier fics you've written. And the Season 7 finale story in the MADverse got pretty cracky.
I absolutely NEED to see how far down this rabbit-hole goes
Its about to get interesting! Lolol
I don't know what I just read, but I highly approve of all of it.
So Sunset's transformation won't die down until the "friendship problem" is dealt with in an appropriately cinematic fashion? 'twould be amusing if she's just stuck like that due to missing her dramatic cue.
Whatchu talkin' 'bout? A continuation is ABSOLUTELY necessary!
It's likely reacting as a balance to Twilight's negative transformation. Which in turn was prompted by Twilight's negative emotions. Given that she is probably expressing pent up nerd rage from years of bullying and not having friends around to relate to her, I can see that lasting a good while.
Yet ANOTHER story where Twilight Velvet is THE heavy hitter
usually will
This was absolutely hilarious and so well-written!![:rainbowlaugh:](
Who was the panicking pony???
If Midnight remains in the state for too long, she will achieve a limited apotheosis by fiat. At the moment, she is empowered by a random assortment of foreign magics stolen from others. But if her body is given time to adjust, and be adjusted in the way magic usually does, this will become her new "normal". Then she will be stuck, as there will be nothing for the elements, or Sunset, to purify.
And if Sunset's transformation is indeed in reaction to Midnight's, well then she'll have the same problem. Only much quicker, as this power is earned instead of stolen, and thus can be said to rightfully belong to her.
That would be something to see, Sunset and Twilight trying to go through school in a normal fashion, while stuck radiating deific levels of raw magic. That scene at the end of the movie would be hilarious, with Princess Twilight meeting two supremely irritated teenage demigods.
"Oh great, you're here. Do you have any idea how to fix this?"
"It's not a phase, mom!"
Wow, this feels more fitting than usual...
Y'know, it makes entirely too much sense there'd be a demon king of math.
Wasn’t expecting the sketch I commissioned to start a story. Gonna track this for now
Now I’m following this. Great work
Well... Twilight does have wings when she ponies up...
FriendOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
FriendOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
FriendOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
BTW, it was a pennant they're looking for, not a pendant. As in a flag.![:scootangel:](
Brilliantly insane as usual, looking forward to more. XD
I love this more please!
Interesting, tracked.
Oh, dude, demons love math. Especially if they can finagle it into their contracts. After all, you can make numbers mean anything if you work at it hard enough.
Nah, they also wanted a pendant, for superpowers. Pinkie is completely right.
Is that Panic Station?
That character is Panic Station, as mentioned here. 9403542. I remember reading a story with her in it, but neither the title nor the author come to mind. The main idea, however, was kind of what you see here. She was so afraid of everything and paranoid, that she rarely ever left the house, and seemed to expect the worst to happen any second.
Oh god, this is going to be gold.
I just had to look up Beleth and found that he co-authored a math text with Noah’s son. Why does that seem so mundanly weird to me.
Nightlight with the burn at the end
9403357 blinks owlishly a few times you have impressed me so much please write more of this.![:fluttershysad:](
She's in three, It's Not Easy Being Green... and Purple, It's Still not easy being mostly Purple, and she cameos in Not Another Anon-a-Miss Fic. All written by me.
I can't speak to when the next chapter will be out exactly, but there's already quite a bit of it written.
At this point I'm pretty much reading your work just 'cause you keep writing hilarious stuff.![:pinkiehappy:](
This is absolutely GLORIOUS![:pinkiecrazy:](
Sees title.
Reads short description.
"This seems interesting... maybe"
Notices author.
"Oh Hell Yes!" *Bookmarked*
Glad you're having a good time!
Whoops! Fixed! Thanks!
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you NEVER fuck with mothers.
This was absolutely brilliant. I really hope to see more of this.
Justice, you just keep knocking them out of the ballpark.
That just happened.
Now we need one with somepony else’s mother.
“If only another pony will accept friendship as well.” Celestia’s tall form strode across the broken rubble of the ancient castle, stopping in front of a huddled dark pony. “Princess Luna! It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister. Will you accept my friendship?”
Ignoring the astonished gasps from Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the smaller alicorn looked up with tears pouring down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I missed you so much, big sister!”
“I've missed you, too,” said Celestia, leaning down to nuzzle a damp cheek against her little sister.
“And you think that’s good enough?” Twilight turned her head to see a crack open up in reality itself, a blinding gap of pure light that a bipedal figure strode out of. The creature’s body seemed made out of the cosmic fabric of space itself, embedded with the swirl of stars and distant planets, while her mane flowed down from the top of a very tall head, across her back, and almost to her knees. She walked with long, slow strides of her two legs, poised and graceful despite the obvious issues of balance, and drew up to a stop in front of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, slowly tapping one bare foot while the two royal alicorns cringed down.
“Mom!” said Celestia with a note of unexpected panic in her voice. “You said dad wanted to take a vacation of a few thousand years, and that we’d have to—”
“I know what I said,” thundered the heavenly maternal voice. “Can’t a mother come back home for a few minutes without being questioned? Particularly since my daughters seem to have messed things up so badly in our absence.”
“I’m sorry,” said Luna, cringing even lower than Celestia, only to let out a yelp of pain when the creature reached down with one hand even faster than Twilight’s eye could see to grab the smaller alicorn by one ear.
“Sorry isn’t good enough,” she snapped. “Plunging the world into darkness! Fighting with your sister! We leave behind a perfectly balanced world to find this when we come back! Your father wants to have some words with you!”
Celestia, taking advantage of her mother’s back being turned in her direction, stuck out her tongue at Luna. The childish gesture did not go unnoticed, as the creature’s second hand darted out and grasped Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, and Twilight’s treasured teacher just as firmly by the ear and twisted.
“And you, young lady!” she thundered. “You were supposed to listen to your little sister just as much as your subjects! She’s your sister, after all. I can’t believe I carried such a disobedient creature in my belly for so long just to have her turn out this way! Your father will want a word with you too, and I doubt if you’ll be able to sit down for a week! Now come on! Let’s get this over with. And don’t fight it!” she added as the creature stood up and began walking back to the glowing gap in reality with the two struggling alicorns being towed along by their ears. “Act like adults for a change.”
“She started it!” called out Celestia.
“And I’m finishing it!” snapped the creature. “Until you get back, and if you get back, I’m going to need somepony else to rule over the ponies for a while. Like that one, she looks reliable.”
Twilight Sparkle straightened her back and lifted her head as the creature plucked the crown from on top of Celestia’s head and gave it a toss. “Thank you, Ma’am. I’ll… wait a minute.” She barely noticed as Celestia and Luna, complaining all the way, were hefted through the gap in reality, which closed behind the three of them. She was too busy looking with wide eyes at where the crown had landed. And which one of her other friends it had landed on.
Pinkie paused and then shook her head and lifted the crown off her head "Uh Uh, nope, Not gonna do it. If I did, I'd NEVER have any time for parties" she stated before placing the crown on Twilight's head. "Here YOU rule instead, besides you were Celestia's student so you have to know how stuff all works already"
The other mares nodded in agreement to Pinkie's words leaving Twilight to stare "B-b-but...."
I didn't even watch this movie and that was satisfying.
Applejack walked up to Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “You’re the best one for the job, Twilight.” she said with an earnest voice. “Besides, do y’all really want someone like Pinkie or, Celestia forbid, Rainbow Dash to be in charge of all of Equestria.”
Everyone shuddered at the thought of Rainbow Dash being the ruler of Equestria, while the mare in question managed to look highly offended.