• Member Since 14th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago



Windows 10 · 6:58pm Aug 7th, 2015

anyone managing ANYTHING with this, so far all I've done is flounder

Report SeventhBrony · 503 views ·
Comments ( 143 )
  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143

Thx for adding my 34th story to your bookshelf and the next chapter will be published on Wednesday(aka my 27th birthday).

Comment posted by Lockingbane deleted April 8th

Many thanks for adding "Zombies on Your Farm" to your favorites! I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you again for the favorites

Thank you for the favorites of one of my stories and I hope you enjoy it very much

  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143
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