• Member Since 11th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2022

Metal Pony Fan

Leave comments on my stories, and I'll respond! Or check the discord chat https://discord.gg/ndDMD3Y


Month Late Weekly Update · 5:42pm Dec 9th, 2015

Sorry guys and gals, wait... are there any gals on this site? I don't know. Anyway, after over a month of working my flank off, at work, on the ranch, and for various odd jobs, to the point it was cutting in on eating and sleeping, I am dialing back a bit on the work. I had to replace some busted tools, and that requires green paper. You get funny looks if you try to use any random green paper though, even if it is the right size and shape. Well, lots of building, not eating lunch, and

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Report Metal Pony Fan · 974 views · Story: Cryo-7 ·

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Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58

We miss you!
Hope you're doing well, if you ever write an actual novel, particularly a sci-fi one I would absolutely buy it.

Still burried in work? I'm guessing you plan to finish Cyro 7 before returning to My Little Dragon?

Buried in work, but hoping to get writing some more soon. Thanks.

Just stopping by to see how you’re doing :)

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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