• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 23rd

Sound Wave

meh I'll put it on later...

Notes To Self.

I really need to get a new picture of myself. I STILL have no idea how anypony got their hooves on that close-up of me back in that school play....

Apartment Room 16B, Cumulus Heights, Canterlot, EQ 10032

(Image is copyright to GRIN)

"Yeah it's a little run down, but it's cheap, spacey and pretty comfy, for me it's home."

Noteworthy stuff!

-Formidable Aerial Expertise
-Skilled in Pegasi Martial Arts.
-Strangely Adept in Charming Individuals
-Adept in creating Weather Phenomenon. (Lightning Bolts, Sudden Downpours, Mini-Tornado's etc.)
-Dangerously Skilled in Ranged Weaponry. (Throwing Knives, Darts, Bow and Arrows, etc.)
-Surprising ability to play Most musical instruments.
-Notable Singing Voice
-Quick Reflexes
-Some Degree of Insight
-Radiates a Comforting and Relaxing Aura
-Skilled Actor
-Skilled Acrobat.

Has made an appearance as:
- A Minor Character in Twilight and the Spartan Stallion 2 By Aegis Shield.
- A Minor Character in Equestrian Earth The MMORPG by ChaoticNote
- A Supporting Character in Equestrian Earth: A Life Beyond His Own, a spin-off of ChaoticNote's Equestrian Earth The MMORPG, by Nxegex

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Looting time! (That Pegasus' Choice) · 3:02am May 17th, 2013

Search the cabinets. Take anything of use.

Considering the dangers outside, it's best to be prepared! You begin to pull open drawers and cabinets, searching through the contents for anything that might prove useful to surviving this strange place. You bury your head and hooves in the dusty drawers and cabinets, more than once you had to take a break from your looting to clear out your now stuffed up nose!

Stat gained!

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