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Guardian Talon

Warning. Prolonged exposure may result in: Insanity, Eye Hemorrhaging, Rational Fear.


Presents · 8:41pm Oct 5th, 2019

Happy hatchday for me means presents for you. (Is that how it works?)
I've got more alicorns for you. This time it's an open ended series of stories from before Twilight moves to ponyville. Right now I have 5 chapters and a short arc, ranging in completion from posted to early stages of planning.
I have no idea how long it will be or how often it will get new chapters. The entire series has always been "I have a neat idea."

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Report Guardian Talon · 313 views · Story: Of Alicorn Foals ·

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Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

thanks for favoriting discords medical exam

Warning. Prolonged exposure may result in: Insanity, Eye Hemorrhaging, Rational Fear.

Don't you mean irrational?:unsuresweetie:

Well whatever you make, I look forward to seeing it.

Thank you. I have a few other things in the works and I believe they are rather varied.
Never really thought about actively trying for dread. Not a big fan of the truly dark stuff. Maybe someday I'll have an idea, probably with fridge horror.

Between your stories you actually have a very dynamic writing style. Between bat shenanagains and literally getting ripped apart into small pieces and a graphic description of healing from it, you could make a story for any occasion.

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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