• Member Since 12th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Fighting for freedom, wherever there's trouble, GI Joe is there! GI Joooo.... okay, where did the tie-dyed horses come from?!


Updates and apology to followers · 7:38pm Jun 12th, 2016

So... Things have happened. First, I have graduated university and am now seeking gainful employment before these student loans come crashing down about my ears. In the interim, I have moved home with my folks. Now here's the thing about my parents. I love them to death, but they do NOT get the whole Brony thing, like at all. So while I'm at home, I probably won't get much writing done. I won't be putting either Real Equestrian Heroes nor Dark Knights and Mysterious Mares on

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Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Congratulations [SUBJECT NAME HERE], you have earned the...

You must be the pride of [SUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]!

Hi, Skyace...Here is a Private Message I Just Sent to you Today Regarding Some Other Properties I Want you to Use in 9 Highly Recommended Story Suggestions That I Highly Recommend for you to make...http://www.fimfiction.net/manage_user/messages/9200509
...Nuff Said.

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