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Still waiting on you to post that AppleDash fic!
Hey, Pidge. Gotta a question, any news on the PS Gamers contest? Kind of wondering where it went.
Yay! I have been waiting for that story.
1137924 Ooh! This is all great news. If you need someone to bounce those changes/ideas off of, I'd be happy to listen
Just bought another computer yesterday. Now there are two. One for each person in the house.
When sharing one, I kinda got used to hogging the computer twenty/four-seven during the first draft (my brother had pretty much completely backed off.)
Also got used to not having the internet while I was at the computer. That's a huge one. Long story short, by the time I'd even think to get around to it, I had to switch-over turns.
On the plus side, I've got most-way through Twilight Princess, beat Sonic Colors, up to the third world on New Super Mario Bros, beat The Last of Us on "easy" with lock-on aiming. I won't try my "normal" without lock-on aiming playthrough until after I submit my appledash story to the site.
I may have also avoided it because I keep seeing massive changes I want to make. But now that I'm not sharing a computer anymore, I can stay a lot more focused on this.