Exams. Ugh. · 6:06pm Apr 24th, 2014
Hello, all. :) As you can tell, chapters have been not appearing in quite a while; for this I highly apologize. Of course this does NOT mean that the story is dead, abandoned or anything of the sort (you may rejoice in this fact :P ). Believe it or not, I have exams quite soon (finals :D ) in both May and June (22 exams to be precise) and have been pressed hard currently to complete strenuous revision. Naturally, I hope to go into sixth form soon, so good grades are a must. On the topic of
I hope you've been good in life and having good times with family. I'm just getting back to writing, but regular life is construction renovations. Re vamping my stories to make easier sense and corrected grammar (mostly).
If you're still online Axton, you're one of my favorites and I liked working with you and I still seek to entertain. Keep it Cool, xXCondemnedSoulXx.
Thank you so much for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites! Means a lot to me, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Thank you for favoriting Zebrican Warlord!
2380428 tea.
Thanks for the fav on my story, The Ones From Beyond.