• Member Since 16th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2018

theFlancy Mernin

I'm back, baby.


Hey, Guess What · 6:49am Sep 27th, 2014

I'm a lazy turd and thus I am not likely to continue TiE. If I do, the story is going to need reworking and rewriting. But it's not likely that I will get back to it.
Just thought you should know.

Report theFlancy Mernin · 396 views · Story: Trolls in Equestria ·

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Comments ( 15 )
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2086518 Well, thank you for writing it! I personally couldn't find any flaws or anything to be worked on, so in my mind, it's rather well done thus far. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you for adding Rainbow Dash and the Pie Sisters to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks so much for the fave on The Best of Enemies!

Thank you for the watch and the comment, my friend! I appreciate it. Hope you'll check out some of my other work, too. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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