• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 10th

Okhlahoma Beat-Down

I write stories, but that's when I make the effort and I'm NOT writing a secret story.


So! Bit a' news for ya. · 3:11pm Oct 30th, 2014

I'm done! I'm no longer writing stories on FiM Fiction! No specific reason, but the list includes:

- Lack of ideas

- I've been writing stories for Fanfiction.net instead

- I hardly even pay attention to the Brony community anymore, and I'd probably say I've left this fandom

- Real life things

- And I'm getting my PC and internet sorted out, so needless to say nothing is happening.

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Report Okhlahoma Beat-Down · 577 views ·

Wow, I didn't know they stacked this much shit onto the internet. You tryin' ta hold views out on me, HUH?

Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

do you still exist?

One for zombie! All for zombie!

Oi mate I think I found you on Redd- YUP I DEFINITELY SURE DID!

Nice bullet theory you have there.

Hey, when can you plate Happy Campers?

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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Well, since I'm bored, I suppose you can have my Steam name.
[APG] Face McShooty II
Same goes for Skype. But don't add me on dat, mm-kay?