• Member Since 30th Dec, 2012
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Sorry to my readers · 12:29pm Nov 5th, 2013

But man am I in a HUGE funk with my writing. I sit down to write and I just don't have anything come, for any of my stories. I can't even get a new one started which is usually my answer to writer's block. I just want folks to know, I haven't disappeared or given up on any of my stories. Lately I just can't find the motivation to write. It'll come back sooner or later.

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I've already put forth my vote. But IF we save EDI, can her programming be copied and pasted into all the geth bodies? Have each body do a personality tweak and keep one original. This way, we get both EDI and an army of EDI's. I do think each one modifying their personality a bit to be a little important though.

Anyway, I vote if that can be done, save EDI. Else, save the geth.

Oh. well dam.
I is sad now :fluttercry: but I have made my choice.

The drive only has enough space to hold one of them on it.

I have a question about the newest chapter of your story "The Commander Of Shepherds" why must we choose why can't Sadi save the geth and EDI? I'm curious.
But if I must choose then I pick save EDI.

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Sorry to my readers · 12:29pm Nov 5th, 2013

But man am I in a HUGE funk with my writing. I sit down to write and I just don't have anything come, for any of my stories. I can't even get a new one started which is usually my answer to writer's block. I just want folks to know, I haven't disappeared or given up on any of my stories. Lately I just can't find the motivation to write. It'll come back sooner or later.

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