• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2023


What can I say Im a brony, and a truly good one at that. I want The earth to be like Equestria one day and that is my life goal.


So that stuff about Reality Check. · 8:43am Jul 13th, 2014

well don't that beat all. I post one thing not nearly as offensive as his original post and pointed out some flaws in his logic. and within a minute im blocked totally from anything his mitts have started. the only thing I have to say is Amazing job. You really screwed the pooch. You have probably damaged your rep too much to come back from this even in the event you somehow escape being banned. Congrats. You instigated your own demise on this website.

Report CloudTwister · 695 views ·

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Comments ( 41 )
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I am writing them now and Real life gets a bit in the way of writing my stories.
Give it about a week and I can have some of it up

When can we expect you to update LNR and Rapture?

Thanks for the faves! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
And the watch! :yay:

990334 Care to join me? My army is right over here.

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