• Member Since 1st Sep, 2017
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MLP:FIM Timeframe and character's ages · 6:22pm Sep 4th, 2020

MlP Timeframe:
MLP:FIM S1 E1 & 2 = summer sun celebration before Luna return.
MLP:FIM S4 E1 & 2 = summer sun celebration after Luna return.

MLP:FIM Timeframe:

S1-S3 = 1 year
S4 = 1 year
S5 = 1 year
S6 = 1 year
S7 = 1 year
S8-S9 = 1 year

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Report Tatsuzaku · 1,906 views ·
Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!

hope you enjoy, also I'm a massive fan of your work

Oooh, thanks for listing up Pommel Horses, my good friend. Stick around, you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.

In fact, that fic's comment section and I am curious as to what you might have liked about it. To help the Armed and Operation Battlestation know what to focus on in my next fics, y'know?

Can you slow down making the threads for the group? Please? ;-;

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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