The future of Among Luna's Stars · 7:53pm May 28th, 2017
For those of you following Among Luna's Stars I'm happy to announce I finished the last of the three part Precious Resources chapter. Only one more chapter till the end, and it will be off to edit the previous chapters. Yes I'm going to follow through and improve it to flow better and add things that are missing. I consistently reread my story from start to finish and constantly make notes of where I need to fix things.
So what is going to happen after all the edits are done?
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Thanks for the fave on Twilight Finds A Brick In Her Shower! Glad you enjoyed the silly read
- MLP: FiM
- Comedy
Two crafty robbers from the big city of Manehatten learn about the "easy pickings" to be had in a sleepy little town called "Ponyville." Fortunately for them, it also has a top-notch hospital...for the Fav!
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