• Member Since 20th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday

L Drkheart

A simple fan who is trying his best! Fair warning my stories tend to focus on everypony's favorite dragon!

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  • 261 weeks
    I finally got some art!

    Hiya everyone! I paid the amazing Alexis Crenshaw (LolaDotz) for the cover art for the Alchemist Dream. The art is mostly for the first season but I am having one done for the current second season. I am planning to get some done for all the story eventually but the Chains of War would be next! She did some amazing work with loads of awesome details.

    0 comments · 300 views
  • 262 weeks
    A bit confused...

    Hiya people! So I been working on the next chapter of the Chains of Work and have been looking for artists to commission for my stories but that isn't what I'm confused about, I was wondering a bit of how so many people found my story recently. I'm not complaining or anything but I was curious since so many seem to have found my work today and yesterday

    2 comments · 249 views

I finally got some art! · 8:36pm Jul 23rd, 2019

Hiya everyone! I paid the amazing Alexis Crenshaw (LolaDotz) for the cover art for the Alchemist Dream. The art is mostly for the first season but I am having one done for the current second season. I am planning to get some done for all the story eventually but the Chains of War would be next! She did some amazing work with loads of awesome details.

Report L Drkheart · 300 views ·
Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Oh its cool! I just like trying new stuff with my stories.


So, you saw my sarcastic spiel and critique of the "main character has to have a forced dark, tragic past/origins to have this silly misunderstandings and distrust with the people that save him."

No hard feelings. I was mostly talking about this cliche trope on all the stories that does this, not just your story.

Oh just editing it with the suggestions and adding the second part to make it longer

Why did you suddenly got rid of the new story?

And what were you gonna say to me in the comment section?

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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