• Member Since 31st Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

closet brony 77

now fully out of the closet as a my little pony fan, long live the herd!

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where I've been · 4:11am Oct 18th, 2019

Let me just start by saying that none of my stories are dead nor do I have any intention of abandoning them.

recently I've just been dealing with school and other life drama, as well as a couple fanfictions from other fandoms that have kept me occupied.
But I will try to update my stories as soon as I can.

Report closet brony 77 · 298 views ·
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oh, that's good. I was worried

Nah, I got it back now. Just busy working on other projects.

Rumor has it he got locked out of his account.

Seeing as FIM is literally all I have this is a terrifying thing I didn't know could happen.

Comment posted by RealRandomTM deleted May 2nd, 2022
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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