• Member Since 24th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2023


I write fluff and sadness.

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Self-Important Ramblings About Yours Truly

Hi, there! I go by Somatic, and I write pony stories. I started watching the show years ago, back in Season One, but it drifted off my radar as I got older. Later on, though, I went through some tough times in my life, and I started watching again. Somehow, pastel-colored ponies gave me a bit of mental stability.

Today, I read the beautiful stories others have written. Hopefully, the stories I make can add a little bit to that beauty.

I also have an Archive of Our Own account. Currently, there's nothing there that's not on here, but it exists.

Have fun, and good luck! and please read, like, and comment on my stories!


It's been (significantly more than) one week since I looked at (this kind and glorious website) · 6:44am Dec 28th, 2018

I am, as always, a peregrine at best, popping in on rare occasions to a site that feels at once familiar and ever so different.

I am not the person I was before, but I still love this place, and I think I will till hoary hairs my temples adorn. I might write--I'm doodling another idea, and perhaps, if the spirits (vodka, mostly) guide me, I might finish one of the stories I swore to finish before my dying day.

I hope you are all surviving better than I have been.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Greatest face! Greatest face! Somatic has the greatest face!

2311803 This is the greatest face of All Time.

2311777 Well, I like, um... your face! Yeah, it's really... face-y. A primo, grade-A face.

I like your username.

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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