• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Horrifically Fun


You know how it goes. You're just having a relaxing Sunday with the girls, who all are accomplished magic users in their own right, one thing leads to another, and suddenly you're all involved in a high stakes game of rocket chicken.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Steel Resolve for his edits and suggestions and special thanks to Nova Quill/Firimil for her edits, sugestions. Also thanks to Nova Quill and DrakeyC for the story prompt!.

And finally, thanks to jhayarr23 for the wonderfully done and hilarious cover art.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

I'm here for the reference alone.

Starlight Glimmer and Trixie - the two increasingly becoming something of a single unit - had decided to stick around. This meant that Twilight had gotten to spend the day with her favorite magic users, and also Trixie.

Oh, Twilight loves her and she knows it, those two could spend an entire weekend having hate sex.

“This isn’t Monopony where the only risk is a broken friendship or somepony getting shanked, Twi.”

Sunset's been watching my dad's home movie collection.

“Oh, Twilight, that reminds me. I made another ‘I’m super-ultra-mega sorry and also get well soon!’ card for Moon Dancer and thought you could maybe take it to the hospital in my stead so she doesn’t try to jump out the window this time!”

I really dislike. Starlight shanking a pony over Monopoly? That's too reasonable and reserved for how she normally reacts.

wondering if her pseudo-Princess status gave her enough clout to make murder legal in specific cases.

"Your honor, yes, I did tie that mare's hooves to her rocket, and yes, I did send her to the moon. But, in my defense, my mother did mostly the same thing to her sister, and it was permissable because it was in the name of national defense. And I assure you my case is not all that dissimilar; if nothing else, Equestria is better off this way."

the other fought hard against the urge to soak the floor she was currently sitting on without moving from the spot.

Wow, that massive rocket really turns Twilight on!

Twilight looked at Sunset and Trixie in turn. “How about instead of almost killing ourselves with rockets, you two can just take all this obvious tension to the bedroom… Take Starlight with you.”

I approve of this plan. Please write this story next.

Starlight gasped.

Nope, stop this story, it's lost interest, I want my new story.

“I can give you an advance of one of my hooves up your ass.”

That's what I'm talking about!

“Okay, fine! No pony here is sleeping with anypony else tonight, alright?”

No, not alright, in fact that is the exact opposite of what should happen.

“I can’t help that I’m objectively better than you, Trixie!” Sunset cried.

I feel like this quote is universal in general for Sunset.

“T-Trixie wins!” Trixie woozily stuttered out. “Eat it Sun-Sunlight Shim…kle and Twiset Spark-er! I accept victory in the form of an emergency room visit!”

The Pait and Growerful Triskie has done it again!

Chancellor Naysay


The blatant DBZ reference in the title. Good shit.

Another bit of awesome insanity.

I'm just wondering now how long it'll take before Sunset and Starlight intervene in what's clearly Twilight and Trixie's friendship problem. Something that group is supposed to be all over on a regular basis. I'm also wondering how long after that, the solution involves a foursome somewhere in the lost recesses of Twilight's cavernous laboratory basement. Because science. :)

Wow... That's actually a really good story idea. I'll have to keep it in mind. :trixieshiftleft::twilightoops::trixieshiftleft::twilightangry2::twilightblush:

Albi #6 · Mar 31st, 2019 · · ·

“Bad Sunset Shimmer!”

“I was just—!”


“Again, ow!”

“No time travel!”

“Just a few min—"


“I said, ‘No Sunset Shimmer, that’s a bad Sunset Shimmer!’”

Fifty years in the future, on a different timeline, Sunset Shimmer, student of Princess Twilight, rubbed her snout in confusion.

9538970 9538972
Do you see any tramp stamps glowing? Because I don't see any tramp stamps glowing. Nope, no friendship problems here! I'm sure Harmony Jr. would tell somepony if it was anything worth worrying about.

A thought seemed to occur to Starlight, “Oh, Twilight, that reminds me. I made another ‘I’m super-ultra-mega sorry and also get well soon!’ card for Moon Dancer and thought you could maybe take it to the hospital in my stead so she doesn’t try to jump out the window this time!”

Wait, what?

Trixie smile turned in a smug smirk. “I prefer a game of ‘flightless unicorn’,” Trixie went in for the kill, “you winged try-hard.”

“Overcompensating much?” Trixie spat out.

View must be great from that glass house of yours

“Oh, like Trixie is going to die without lots and lots of ponies there to see…” Trixie trailed off for a moment. “Okay, I guess Sunset might have something of a point.

You'd be surprised how often that is.

Sunset grit hear teeth. “And maybe you can suck on my teats when YOU two lose horribly!”

Trixie chuckled. “Threaten Trixie with a good time…”

I ship it.

Starlight gasped. “Is this some sort of post-graduate friendship lesson? Like task on friendship threesomes?”


“… Am I the only pony here worried just how solid the insight Starlight has into personality types?” Sunset wondered out loud.


“Again,” Sunset said, “is it just me who’s a little terrified about Starlight’s social perceptions?”

Also no.

Twilight just shrugged. “‘Come around’, ‘had my spirit slowly crushed into apathy’. Whatever. Let’s just get Trixie’s rocket’s ready and blast off towards oblivion together.”

I've been there.

“PREPARE NOTHING!” Sunset screamed as her horn glowed red briefly in the fuses on the rockets lit up. “IT’S GO TIME!”

Oh god why?

The smile dropped from Starlight’s face. “Oh… that wasn’t a design flaw?”

Starlight, please tell me you didn't.

With a magenta glow, a newspaper appeared and was smacked against Sunset’s snout.


Sunset smirked gleefully. “Explain my way out of a catastrophic accident to my mom? Threaten me with a good time…”

Oh no.

Neighsay turned then sighed as he laid eyes on the giant flaming rocket. “Oh, I’ve wasted my life…”

No wonder they call you The Brain.

“Of course it does!” Sunset replied. “This isn’t Monopony where the only risk is a broken friendship or somepony getting shanked, Twi.”

:facehoof: : And how many times has that happened?

Sunset: Never play high stakes Monopoly with Fluttershy. That bitch is vicious.

Sunset grit hear teeth. “And maybe you can suck on my teats when YOU two lose horribly!”

:trixieshiftleft: : Never threaten the GGGGGGreat and Horny Trixie with such a good time.

Twilight looked at Sunset and Trixie in turn. “How about instead of almost killing ourselves with rockets, you two can just take all this obvious tension to the bedroom… Take Starlight with you.”

Starlight gasped. “Is this some sort of post-graduate friendship lesson? Like task on friendship threesomes?”

Twilight stared at Starlight for a moment. “Yes.”

Starlight let out a squee of delight.

I ship it.👍

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “I can give you an advance of one of my hooves up your ass.”

Knowing Trixie, she’d probably enjoy that.

“… Am I the only pony here worried just how solid the insight Starlight has into personality types?” Sunset wondered out loud.

*Raises hand*

Twilight buried her head in her forehooves and groaned. “Okay, fine! No pony here is sleeping with anypony else tonight, alright?”

Sunset: *Pouting* Aw, but Twilie. I thought you liked that thing I could do with my tongue.

Twilight: :twilightoops:

Twilight sneered. “This is insane even by your standards. You know that, right? Heck! This is insane even by Pinkie Pie standards!”

:pinkiesmile: : *Popping up out of nowhere* But it’s not Tuesday today.

Sunset tossed Twilight right behind the light-blue cone decorated with white and dark blue stars of the purple rocket with white speckles before jumping up after her. “Times up, Sparkle! Let’s do this!”

Sunset: *Jumping on her rocket and shooting off into the sky* LLLLLEEEEERRRRROOOOOYYYYY JENKINS!!!!!

(I’m sorry. It was too good to pass up.)

Twilight and Sunset turned, and Sunset could only stare blankly at the massive double explosion that left the sky awash in blues, yellows, purples and whites as the colossal double explosions shook the very ground itself. “Oh yeaaaaah… rockets do that. Why’d I agree to do that again?”

Exasperated nearly to the point of violence, Twilight threw a forehoof into the air. “Why do you do any of the stuff you do?!”

Sunset pursed her lips and thought for a moment. “You know, I ask myself the same question every day.”

Sunset: And twice on Sundays.

Neighsay turned then sighed as he laid eyes on the giant flaming rocket. “Oh, I’ve wasted my life…”


And everyone cheered happily at Neighsay’s disappearance, because no one really dies in Equestria.

Justice, this is another brilliant masterpiece from you. You just keep knocking them out of the park.

Oh, and we got to explode Equestria's version of The Protocols and it's author in the process! Bonus!

To be fair to Starlight, Monopoly: Minotaur Edition comes with knives included.

Insert obligatory Raditz joke here.

so you basically had twilight accidentally destroy a speciest book.


With a magenta glow, a newspaper appeared and was smacked against Sunset’s snout.

That is so much more satisfying than I thought possible

So much wut.
All the wut.
Wut butt.

I ship it and want to read that story :pinkiecrazy:

He didn't say it had to go off in this fic.

“Of course it does!” Sunset replied. “This isn’t Monopony where the only risk is a broken friendship or somepony getting shanked, Twi.”

Wow, i don't remember playing Monopoly with Sunset Shimmer, but that's a dead-on description of my play group... And don't get me started on "Settlers of Cataan". :pinkiegasp:

“How attached to you to a ‘rolling-hill landscape


“I was talking to Trixie!” Sunset exclaimed as he motioned the the hatted and caped unicorn. “Sunset Shimmer is no one’s silver medalist.”

she & to


Got these! Thanks! :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed this. The Comicbookguy reference at the end was great.

Twilight just sighed. “There’s simply no way Starlight would allow herself to die like that and I’m not lucky enough for the explosions to have killed Trixie.”

Looks like this time it's Twilight's turn to channel my reactions to a given situation. Usually it's Sunset, but I don't have the "Type Alpha" personality that otherwise defines her and just now nearly got her killed.

Is it weird that Trixie reminds me of an inordinately capable rendition of my little sister?

Wut wut, in the butt.

This meant that Twilight had gotten to spend the day with her favorite magic users, and also Trixie.

:rainbowlaugh: No love for Trixie.

This isn’t Monopony where the only risk is a broken friendship or somepony getting shanked, Twi.

:rainbowderp: Remind me to never play monopoly with Sunset.

9538974 :rainbowlaugh:

All the yes. Just all of it.

Twilight and Trixie seem to have a bit of a black romance going. Trixie embraces it, finding her rival attractive and openly flirting while also being antagonistic, but Twilight doesn't know what to do with what she's feeling. She's annoyed by Trixie, but doesn't want to hate her, assuming there are some redeeming qualities she's just not seeing since others like Trixie... so she's compelled to ignore her rather than engage. Trixie has become her personal splinter, not actively dangerous, but irritating and kind of painful.

I'm reading the title, the description, and looking at the image, and the only thing I can think of, is a Stranglove duel.

Equestrian space program! :rainbowlaugh:

Reminds me of the good children fun with calcium carbide and barrels

except with a guy on top of barrel (although, to be fair, I'm aware of a lot of urban legends, but no hard evidence of someone trying that)

love it. Is the thing with Moondancer reference to a noodle incident or another story

Noodle Incident.

And nothing of value was lost.

I do wonder what Twilight thinks of these warped and twisted mockeries of friendship she's created. Does she feel shame? Horror? Pride? Or simply a resigned acceptance that she has made her bed of crazy unicorns and must now lie in it?


I said "lie in it," not "lay with it."


In any case, hilarious read. Thank you for it.

I do think the friendships are genuine, it's just that these are all very flawed ponies. She didn't make them flawed.


I feel like this quote is universal in general for Sunset.

Well, she is perfect after all.



Wow, that massive rocket really turns Twilight on!

Thanks. I'd forgotten about that "Twilight making passionate love to multiple destructive devices" thing.

I feel like this quote is universal in general for Sunset.

It's certainly a thing. I feel Trixie's first appearance did establish some strong points for her relative to Twilight. If you aren't using magic as a paid researcher up in a tower somewhere, there's a lot to be said - despite the inherent limits - for a stage magician's work ethic: constant repetition of practical fundamentals instead of constantly moving on looking for new learning experiences. The catch is, interpretations of Sunset tend to give her most of Trixie's tenacity and pragmatic approach combined with most of Twilight's intelligence and potential. And keep her less obnoxious about being able to make the end product look easy.

On the side of flaws and weaknesses, Twilight is just so special in terms of being supported by the setting itself that you can't compare anypony to her without needing to make some deep decisions about your continuity. Or have another Twilight handy. Starlight - opposite problem. You need to make decisions about just what's going on and missing in her head. Trixie - regardless of the spectrum for interpretation of her - remains the easy choice for a put-down. Not that I don't usually love Trixie, but you're right about the quote.


*Raises hand*

I'm with ShadowLDrago in not being bothered. She hasn't so much got insight into personalities as lacks the neurotypical habit of trying to look through the surface. It's a bit like the main antagonist of the Monster manga series. It's not that he's a manipulative genius, it's that circumstances left him growing up surrounded by people with incredibly obvious buttons, and he never wanted anything that pushing those wouldn't give him.

Well, even in canon Twilight's concept of "friendship" started with her mentor defining it as what she'd just found, with no previous expectations from life or observation. Given the kinds of danger and emergencies friendship has exposed her to, and the potential instabilities of her dearest friends, does she know this isn't a perfectly normal example of hanging out with friends?

Now I'm curious about what time period Sunset's statement comes from.

And then Twilight
Accidentalied a murder.

And nothing of value was lost. Probably.

It probably wasn’t the first time.

A thought seemed to occur to Starlight, “Oh, Twilight, that reminds me. I made another ‘I’m super-ultra-mega sorry and also get well soon!’ card for Moon Dancer and thought you could maybe take it to the hospital in my stead so she doesn’t try to jump out the window this time!”

Okay! What's the story behind this? Both how it happened and why Moon Dancer jumped out a window when she saw her.

My first read through I was like, "Ah! Classic Glim Glam!"

My second though? I really want to know. I bet it was epic.

“Of course it does!” Sunset replied. “This isn’t Monopony where the only risk is a broken friendship or somepony getting shanked, Twi.”

I've only ever gotten shanked during Sorry!

Twilight’s left eye twitched slightly. “You’re not wrong, as infuriating as it is to admit, but I’ve never straddled a beaker before it exploded!”

Talk about destroying your happy place

“I’m terrified we might all be exploded and die!” Twilight cried.

“Not everything is about you, Twilight!” Sunset snapped.

ya who da fuq do you think you are to worry about if Ponyville goes bai-bai Twilight? such unprofessionalism....... xD



Sunlight Shimkle and Twiset Sparker!

best names! XD

OK I'm kind of confuse did sunset make four rockets of just two and if it is just two and twilight teleported the one she and sunset where on then what rocket were they one.

I just what to know where in this mad verse do i start reading

Always sexy fun with Sunset and Trixie in the house!:moustache:

what i was asking for the first question was how many rockets where there, because i was a little confuse when there took off

I certainly gotten a good chuckle from this one shot, I was drawn to this story because of the rocket that Starlight and Trixie are on looks just like the toy version I gotten at Gamestop a while back.

Twilight just shrugged. “‘Come around’, ‘had my spirit slowly crushed into apathy’. Whatever. Let’s just get Trixie’s rocket’s ready and blast off towards oblivion together.”

Twilight and Sunset turned, and Sunset could only stare blankly at the massive double explosion that left the sky awash in blues, yellows, purples and whites as the colossal double explosions shook the very ground itself. “Oh yeaaaaah… rockets do that. Why’d I agree to do that again?”

Twilight just sighed. “There’s simply no way Starlight would allow herself to die like that and I’m not lucky enough for the explosions to have killed Trixie.”


So...that's a "No" on Magical Quintet Sexy times? :trixieshiftright:

*sigh* Fine :ajsleepy:

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