• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Manly Man

A Stormtrooper in stilettos.

Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

Smashing, dear.

(This is a joke, I swear it is a joke please do not be offended)

I's thi's better?

Oh my goodness you even put them in the actual story’s comment section.

Why can’t more favoriters be like you? :heart:

And my thoughts on your work, you now have!

Hiya, thanks for reading my story! That one’s by far my favorite of the ones I’ve written so far, so it’s always nice to see it getting a little extra attention :pinkiehappy: Doubly so when it’s coming from someone with as good taste as the other stories in that bookshelf make me think you have! If you have any thoughts on it you feel like sharing, I’d love to hear them :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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