• Member Since 18th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2018

All Art Is Quite Useless

When I'm not writing stories, I'm writing essays. My keyboard sees fairly frequent use. University student, high functioning Rainbow Dash enthusiast, and satirical activist.

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Blog Posts

  • 344 weeks
    A New Story

    This has been in the pipeline for a while. The first chapter of a commissioned adventure style fic containing an original universe interspersed with the Equestria that you already know.

    TInvasion of the Nightmares
    An ancient tribe of ponies, banished long before Celestia took the throne, have been biding their time, waiting to return. The time for waiting is over. The time for invasion has begun.
    All Art Is Quite Useless · 5.3k words  ·  13  1 · 515 views

    Writing the original characters has been a joy so far, and I'm looking forward to continuing this. Work on chapter two has already begun, but feel free to let me know what you think of the beginning!


    0 comments · 557 views
  • 347 weeks
    Your Weekly Dose

    EOne Shot Mare
    Whenever Twilight writes a short comedy story, ponies eat it up. When she tries to write a long, sweeping epic? There's no one to be found.
    All Art Is Quite Useless · 1.9k words  ·  65  2 · 1.2k views

    This is partially owed to my strong need of a short break from uni shit, back at it now.

    Read, judge, and enjoy at your leisure.


    0 comments · 542 views
  • 348 weeks


    4 comments · 783 views
  • 348 weeks
    A New Story! (And News)

    So yeah, I'm back at it with another oneshot:

    TIt'll Make You Go Blind
    Anon witnesses Celestia raising the sun. Something about that seems really stupid.
    All Art Is Quite Useless · 3.3k words  ·  336  36 · 6.4k views

    I realise this isn't my usual level of productivity, but I'm happy to have got up a story that I was able to prepare relatively quickly. (Also, fans of Why Do We Have Guards will be happy to see that Grendo makes a brief appearance in this. Because obviously everyone wanted to see more of him.)

    Read More

    0 comments · 477 views
  • 349 weeks
    A Birthday Present/OctaScratch!

    TYou Can Play My Strings
    With a broken hoof and only a day left to record her latest piece, Octavia must rely on her roommate to assist her in playing. Assist her in an awkwardly intimate half-embrace, that is.
    All Art Is Quite Useless · 2.5k words  ·  169  4 · 2.4k views

    As the title suggests, I wrote this as a (slightly late) birthday present for a brilliant dude. Massive thanks to Ceffyl Dwr for giving me the idea and helping me with pre-reading, you're an absolutely excellent guy.

    So yeah, read and enjoy!


    1 comments · 507 views

A New Story · 9:52pm Dec 19th, 2017

This has been in the pipeline for a while. The first chapter of a commissioned adventure style fic containing an original universe interspersed with the Equestria that you already know.

TInvasion of the Nightmares
An ancient tribe of ponies, banished long before Celestia took the throne, have been biding their time, waiting to return. The time for waiting is over. The time for invasion has begun.
All Art Is Quite Useless · 5.3k words  ·  13  1 · 515 views

Writing the original characters has been a joy so far, and I'm looking forward to continuing this. Work on chapter two has already begun, but feel free to let me know what you think of the beginning!


Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

What kind of satirical activism, and whats your philosophy behind it?

Whelp, Discord went down, and just when we were getting to the good part of the story too!:rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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