• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2019

Just Essay



Rainbow Dash has it all: a life of mystery and suspense, ups and downs, adventure and calamity. As time goes by, she finds herself swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria.

She would gladly give it all up, though, just for a chance to tell Applejack how much she loves her.

Cover art by DarkFlame

Chapters (1000)
Comments ( 16178 )

Ooooh! This is pretty good, i like stories that are based around episodes and i like appledash even more!

Oooh. This *does* look interesting. Although those pills worry me... but hey, there's a mystery to solve, and Apples to Dash!

CARRY ON, SIR/MA'AM! :pinkiehappy:

Oh, this is delightful. Keep going! Though I'd love bigger chapters! :rainbowderp:

Rarity doesn't seem surprise that rd came to her to repair her dress. She doesn't think that rd is maybe tring to impress some one with the dress?

Rainbow, what the hell did you *do* to not remember anything? :rainbowderp:

I have a feeling that cider had a hand in Rainbow's memory issues.

I swear i will review this ala CinemaSins style, and dayum am i gonna find a lot of sins.

Cider?! :pinkiegasp:
Checkin' out the enemy, are we? :ajbemused:

Dangit Apple Bloom! :applecry:

Curse you and your cliffhanger!:flutterrage:

That blunt on your shoulder, it isn't real.

These tiny chapter lengths are torture! :fluttercry:

Fluttershy fell to her knees and buried her face in the couch cushion. She banged repeatedly on her colorful skull.

I think you mean Rainbow Dash here. :rainbowwild:

3607892 Let's cry together, man.

I'm very excited to see where this goes. Keep it up!

Okay...that...that was FANTASTIC timing there. :yay:

Holy shit does Dashie have it bad. :rainbowderp:

And the Good Ship S.S. Fluttermac sets sail on a gentle sea beneath fluffy clouds. :eeyup:

I like this story, but I think it updates too often... wow it feels weird to say that. :rainbowhuh: Lemme put that differently:

I love how often the story updates, but the chapters are too short. I think it'd work better if each chapter was a little longer, even if that means they have to update less frequently.

That said, I have NO complaints about an author updating a story on a regular schedule. It's truly refreshing. :twilightsheepish:

An uneventful chapter but at the rate you update Im perfectly fine with it. Keep it up!:twilightsmile:

“I think you can be loyal to all of us differently.” Rainbow smiled. “While still being so equally.”

I think you mean "Fluttershy" here. :rainbowwild::yay:

I enjoyed this nice long chapter. The fluttershy/dash backstory was nice (and brought a single manly tear to my eye)

“Or… uhm… when she displays her singing voice. Or when all of us can smell how sweaty she is from a full day of apple bucking. Or when she so much as says your name. Or when you simply trot by a cart of apples in the marketplace--”

Slightly NSFW: this part kinda reminded me of the bridge in "Jizz In My Pants" by The Lonely Island; where the things they describe get gradually more asinine - "When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense, I jizzed in my pants...when I open the window and the breeze rolls in, I jizz in my pants...I just ate a grape and I jizzed in my pants"

This has gotten even more interesting!:rainbowkiss:

Okay.. what's going on with her D:
And she's losing her home? Bloody hell. Nothing is going right for this Dash.

Does Rainbow Dash have leg problems?

3637734 Maybe she has "too many daydreams" if you catch my drift.

Ooh! Sub-plot! The plot thickens...

:fluttercry: Rainboooow, what's wrong!

Sometimes I forget Im supposed to be reading an AppleDash story here. Id like it if we got back into that zone soon.

Don't be silly Pinkie, Applejack's piloted by squirrels, not mice.

Lol. Club 27... So what did the doc get her for her pain? What's the risky procedure? Goddamnit, what's wrong with her? And why can't I hold all this AppleDash?

I'll tell you what, I'm loving the story and I'm loving the update frequency, but perhaps some of these short chapters could be cumulated together into bigger ones?

I'm... confused. What is it that's wrong with Dash?

Oh god... shit's gonna hit the fan next chapter, isn't it?:rainbowderp:

3672554 I was thinking the same thing!

3672992 3672554 My bet is she will faint and/or start feeling pain again.

I was thinking that. All is revealed in the worst way possible...

Man, Rainbow, You got it baaaaaaaaad! :rainbowkiss:

Good lord this is heartbreaking :fluttercry:

Rainbow's story was gorgeous! :pinkiehappy:

Bad puns aside, another good chapter. They're getting a bit longer, which is good.

Rainbow's tongue stabbed the roof of her mouth. Did Applejack just... stroke her mane?

I can't quite figure this out. Is Applejack stroking her mane, or Rainbow's mane? If it's the latter, then it oughta be in first person.

I think you opened a bold tag and never closed it! Around "Lyra , it's Spring".

Anyway, good chapter. Dialogue was exceptionally well written here.

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