• Member Since 1st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen August 27th


Your friendly neighborhood disaster lesbian at your service. I write pony words and squee over my ships.


Scootaloo becomes fed up after always seeing her friends go to real homes and real families. So she sets of on a quest by going to Ponyville's Library, and asking for Twilight Sparkle's assistance in trying to find out her roots. The Cutie Mark Crusaders help her out, but Twilight has other ideas. While the CMC go searching for Scootaloo's roots, The Mane Six start forming a plan of their own.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

A verry good start! I wanna read more!:pinkiehappy:

This is very good so far i see no errors can't wait fir the next chapter :)

a bit fast paced, not much though. Keep it up!
chapter rating::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:/:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

better be a long freaking chapter
once again,
chapter rating
to get my last heart you need to make a better cliff hanger

3435070 stories like this tend to get me thinking of many things, like the children that were abandoned, forgotten, or dropped off at an orphanage. it bothers me though to see that there are children that do not know their parents, but you make a good point with this. there are circumstances that give the parents no choice.

Comment posted by HyperBlossom7 deleted Nov 5th, 2013

this was good i would so love to see a seqal to this

Fluttershy smiled at her marefriend and went to her. Rainbow grinned at Fluttershy and they nuzzled noses with one another. Scootaloo made an 'ew' face and the two older mares laughed.

Cute and nice to see some Flutterdash. This also made me think of the episode 'Hearts and Hooves Day' for some reason
I thought I'd read this after you commented on my page. :scootangel:

I'll follow you for a bit and see if I want to follow you some more when you release your second story :pinkiehappy:

The story was nice. It felt kinda barebones and simple and the orphanage was a nice touch and the sad scene brought a tear to my eye when Scoots read what her parents had written.

Hey everypony! I'm glad to see you enjoyed my first MLP fanfiction. Now I'm working on a second one, which features Flutterdash. It's not official, I'm treating it like a fun project of mine. I'm just playing with the characters and seeing what ideas pop up. Keep an eye out for it if you're interested. Again, thanks for reading :D

Hey there HyperBlossom7! Azure_Shadow of the pleasant commentator and review group here, telling you that I've just reviewed your story! You can find the review here. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or just comment on my page! Until then, smell ya later! :rainbowwild:

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