• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Midnight Quill

In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

Currently under construction:

Of a King and a Queen, Chapter One
AU, Dark, Drama, Mature, OC

Two Stripes, Oneshot
Romance, Drama, Teen

A Tale of Shadows, Chapter One
AU, Dark, Mystery, Thriller, Mature, OC

Latest Stories

Current Projects

Of a King and a Queen
AU, Dark, Drama, OC, Rating: M
Prologue, Chapters 1-5: Finished
Chapters 6 and 7: Revision and Editing in Progress
Chapter 8: Under construction

A Tale of Shadows
AU, Dark, Mystery, Thriller, Mature, OC, Rating: M
Chapter 1: Finished
Chapter 2: Editing in progress


“This story is part of the Shadowverse.” · 7:06pm Feb 13th, 2018

So, what does that mean, exactly?

As promised, here is the blog post to explain it:
Simply put, the Shadowverse is my single largest fanfic writing project. Except for my prelude to Crysis Commander's Black Sun Nation, all my stories take place within it.

Because the verse is alive.
To explain this, I have to go back two years.

Read More

Le Crème de la Crème


Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

Thanks for the watch, I hope you like what I've got in store!

Thankyou for the favourite on My Little A.I.
I’m thrilled that folk keep finding it :o)

"The Shelf of Extraordinary Comedy", eh? I'm glad you found Shining Armor's Amour's Armour worthy of a place on such a finely-titled bookshelf. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you very much for the follow! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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