Stuff I'm unreasonably proud of
The Artist Blank Slate meets a Painter called Fresh Coat only to later fall in love after a few rebuffs on his part. by P-Berry 53,220 words · 111 · 5
Two in the morning Going to bed can be quite hard when you're sharing your home with a certain blue unicorn. by P-Berry 2,400 words · 88 · 1
My stuff
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God bless. God loves you, now, and forever. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Disappointments? Sign me the heck up.
Hello citizen. I see you have chosen to follow me. I would like to impart my thanks and also offer you a complimentary disappointment.
Its fucking dope. Rent it on YouTube. It's like 4$