• Member Since 15th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


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Comments ( 18 )
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Add me to your list of FanGirls <3 I absolutely adore your Twidash fics.:rainbowkiss:

Hey just wanted to drop a comment telling you that after having binged all your TwiDash I have come to a conclusion. You are freakin' awesome. Seriously. Top notch stuff here, some of my favorite stuff I've read thus far. You have a great talent, and I'm glad you've decided to grace this site with your words. Keep on rockin'! :rainbowwild:


I did see it. While it sounds interesting, the kind of world building required is not exactly my strength, I fear, which is why I passed.

Oh, and of course the few unfinished projects lying around for which I haven't given up hope just yet :twilightoops:

Hey! I was wondering if you have seen my post in the Twidash Group. I wasn't sure if you had any story ideas lately, but I know I've favorited a few of your stories and was wondering if you would consider my idea. :twilightblush::rainbowkiss:
Story idea

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