Sorry Folks · 11:21am Jan 20th, 2018
Things will be slow on my end for awhile as I desperately try to look for a job but I'm hopeful I can get something out by spring if not hopefully before Summer starts.
Just a simple man from TN that likes ponies and pony stories.
Things will be slow on my end for awhile as I desperately try to look for a job but I'm hopeful I can get something out by spring if not hopefully before Summer starts.
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2398188 Oh wow sorry that happened.
2398047 Welll IM not sure about that. My brother took the wrong turn and we ended up going a different way, which added 3 more hours on, then there was a blizzard and a car crash which shut down Vail pass ( a mountain pass near timberline..for 2 hours.
2398133 OK and thanks I appreciate all the help and suggestions you give me anything to help me become a good writer.
2398047 I did a little more. So Im going to go through and fix the punctuation and then i want to go back and add suggestions for stuff to put in. I didn't want to just add it, if you don't like them you don't have to use them.
2397973 lol OK well at least you had fun