• Member Since 31st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2020

The Clopist

Ponies are cute, beautiful and sexy creatures. Anyone that says other wise is either lying, or gay. Deal with it.

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Just checking in really. · 4:35am Apr 9th, 2015

Hey all, just felt like I could take a minute and look at pony stuff while dropping folks I know a line. I wish this was a blog telling you that new chapters of Mares is up, or will be soon. Unfortunately it is not that blog, but hopefully I will be getting some new chapters out, or at least something new to add.

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Report The Clopist · 625 views ·
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So long, you magnificent bastard. It's been fun.

Anyone knows where The Clopist has gone?


I haven't even watched the whole of season 1 yet.
I am terrible, I know.

But it is only because I don't have money, I am scared to pirate and also MLP is so dang hard to find in stores.


...Okay, looked her up.

Yeah, believe it or not, I've barely seen three full episodes of MLP. :twilightsheepish:

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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