• Member Since 12th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2023


Hi! I'm friendly, even if I don't speak. I just like to hide behind my stories, which I hope will be many. They're more interesting than me, anyway. Give 'em a try!


Dear Princess Celestia · 11:49am May 13th, 2014

Today I learned that letting your fingertip slide under the knife while chopping up habaneros can be painful, and you shouldn't let that happen.

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Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76

Tenth of January. There's hope.

it's been four years since you last logged in, and six since your last chapter. Wherever you are, I hope you are alright.

You're still getting new reads on your stories, years later. Twilight makes First Contact has legs, to say the least.

Thank you for the delicious multiversal experience. I hope life post-writing treats you well.

I suppose with Trump president instead of Clinton this story really is Alternate Universe!
Are you sure you won't continue the story?

(The humans should politely request the aliens depart. They can't contain their influence.)

Would love to hear about what is going on with "First Contact".... and if you want, perhaps someone else can take it up to continue it based on any notes you might give them if you don't want to write more yourself.

  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76
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