• Member Since 1st Feb, 2013
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So, this story? Just wrapped up. Read it. · 2:11am Apr 6th, 2018


You should read it, because The Silver Standard easily meets the gold standard of writing on FimFiction. It's about a secondary character (or a classroom of them, as it were), so it apparently gets missed by far too many readers.

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Report WanderingPony · 444 views · #Silver Spoon

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Thanks for faving "Stomach Stallion: The Misadventures of Verdant Range". I really appreciate it.

Hey, if you’re a fan of AstroMouse’s My Little Punnies, please consider checking out my own anthology of debatably clever wordplay, Ruined for Pun.


Thank you for the fave on The Iron Horse! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :twilightsmile:

Thank you kindly for your interest in my story, 'Apples and Cherry Blossoms'!

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So, this story? Just wrapped up. Read it. · 2:11am Apr 6th, 2018


You should read it, because The Silver Standard easily meets the gold standard of writing on FimFiction. It's about a secondary character (or a classroom of them, as it were), so it apparently gets missed by far too many readers.

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Report WanderingPony · 444 views · #Silver Spoon