An "Archives" check-up · 10:22pm Feb 21st, 2013
What I'd like to do here is to see if anyone has any critical thoughts regarding Archives of the Friendquisition. Sometimes when I'm down in the fiction mines, I worry that I'm losing sight of some bigger writing principals. I get insecure like that. Is there anything you, as a reader or (if applicable) a fellow writer, have noticed in the entire story thus far, that you think I could improve on? More specifically:
Very excited to find another Ponyhammer fan! I look forward to working through your stories.
643852 No problem. I know life gets in the way sometimes. It would be appreciated, though, if you could at least make the occasional blog post during periods of extended absence. Just to say "yes, I'm still alive and I haven't given up. RL just keeps getting in the way." Anyhow, looking forward to the next chapter! The Empress Protects.
642648 Yeah... I'm sorry about disappearing like that. I just had a long period of time where I had a lot of other creative projects and life in general going on, and I just didn't have the time or the will to devote to working on this one. This chapter was actually mostly written by the time that happened too, languishing in fanfic limbo for several months.
Knowing that I have a fan or two worrying about my progress might motivate me to keep at it a bit better, though. Let it be known, though, that I have every intention of finishing this story... eventually. I don't foresee that changing anytime soon. And I appreciate the kind words.
I just wanted to say thank you. I'd all but given up Archives as dead. It's absolutely wonderful to see it update. I'd rate it as probably the best 40k crossover I've yet seen around here and I can't wait for more.
Why havent I done this sooner?