• Member Since 28th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2023

The Ponytrician

Lord Fetlock Equinari, The Ponytrician of Flanhk-Marepork. Grammar Tyrant, Rogue Editor at Large, Pungeon Master, Dispenser of Unsolicited Wisdom.


Adventures in meningioma · 2:19pm Apr 4th, 2021

Is this thing on? Is anyone reading this?

Yeah, I know I was never a prolific writer here, and I pretty much dropped out of the fandom a number of years back, but I've recently undergone a fairly significant life event and suddenly felt the urge to write it down, so I figured that here was as good as any place.

So, what was this significant life event?

Brain surgery.

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Nice to see you're still around.

You there. You have the best icon.

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Once upon a time, Cytation, driven only by fatigue and boredom, stubled across one of the greatest FiMFiction accounts ever to be conceived by (most likely) mortal brains.

Could this day be any more beautiful?

Thanks for the follow!

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