• Member Since 24th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen June 17th

Valthorn Illian

A Quick Bio

Name: Valthorn Illian
Source: a recurring character from my RP days
Location: Wisner, LA (please, no Swamp People/Duck Dynasty jokes)
Military: USAF
Coming Soon: MLP: Paradiso (a tale inspired by Infinity the game) and The Life of a Background Hero (starring my OC) (Note: Titles subject to change upon release.)

OC: Soul Shaker
Race: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: Unknown, burned off
Location: Tartarus, except when on the job


Broken Brush Painting Coming Soon · 6:49pm Feb 15th, 2016

I was wondering if there was anyone out there with art skills enough to design a logo and title card for my upcoming Youtube painting channel. I was thinking of possibly a changeling for a mascot but I'd like to know what you folks think, so feel free to pitch around ideas. And yes, if I can get my hands on the figures, I will paint ponies.

Report Valthorn Illian · 345 views ·
Comments ( 28 )
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Thank you very much for checking out “Elements: Sworn Through Swords”. I do hope you enjoy it’s first chapter! Please tell me what you thought of it when you read it.

Thanks for favoriting We're the Same Too! :twilightsmile:

Thanks so much for the fave on Camaraderie is Sorcery!

Thanks for the favorite!

Hope you enjoyed the ride buddy on "Ashes to Equestria"! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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