I DO take requests
I DO accept collab offers
I DO accept editing offers
I DO want critiques
I WILL critique you if asked
I WILL be your editor
I WILL design OCs for you
I WILL help you with ideas
I DO want suggestions
It takes me a long time to finish stories because I get sidetracked or get writers block very easily.
Do NOT expect perfection
My chapters are short, DEAL WITH IT!
Incomplete Stories
The Fire in My Heart A little filly is found in the forest, she has incredible magical powers. Celestia sends her to live with Twilight Sparkle as a student, but eventually she becomes like a daughter to Twilight and she raises the filly, and discovers something new. 7,377 words · 61 · 2
True Lyra Lyn, a young girl living in Manhatten falls into a mirror and changes her world as well of that of a pony named BonBon forever. 2,689 words · 86 · 3
Just One Last Lullaby After years of hiding in the Everfree forest, Fluttershy emerges to a very different Ponyville. It seems as though everypony is gone. She knows only one thing, Discord has been living in her cottage, and he and Angel Bunny are all shes got. 2,131 words · 50 · 2
The Background Diaries The diaries and journal entries of our favorite and least favorite minor or background ponies 1,729 words · 13 · 0
Forgotten Thorns Fluttershy loses it, unfortunately, Pinkie Pie is being a little too filter-less in the wrong place at the wrong time 0 words
Favorite Sad Stories
Why Am I Crying? The CMC each deal with their emotions when their hated enemy, Diamond Tiara, dies in an accident 64,552 words · 1,591 · 37
"I'm so... so sorry..." What will happen when you have your life as you know it shattered? What will happen you are pushed until you snap? What will happen when those we love... are gone? 3,610 words · 95 · 1
Rain of Tears Scootaloo was just being nice. She wanted to give Rainbow Dash a gift. Why did it all have to go so wrong? 2,321 words · 94 · 6
In Memory Of Dear Princess Celestia, I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but... 7,186 words · 3,555 · 46
Favorite Comedies
How Every Shipfic Would Actually Happen A realistic view on shipping fanfics 7,125 words · 2,099 · 140
Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it. 140,870 words · 5,037 · 506
My British Pony: Stereotypes Are Magic What would My Little Pony be like if it were British? Let's all don our top hats and monocles, sip some tea, and watch a jolly good show, guvnah! 12,441 words · 589 · 35
Looking For Assistance
Rotten Apples Never Bloom Apple Bloom makes a final desicion, heartbroken after Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle get their cutie marks. 2,956 words · 38 · 3
Just One Last Lullaby After years of hiding in the Everfree forest, Fluttershy emerges to a very different Ponyville. It seems as though everypony is gone. She knows only one thing, Discord has been living in her cottage, and he and Angel Bunny are all shes got. 2,131 words · 50 · 2
Thank you for the follow.
Hello! I'm making rounds today! Have a cupcake!
*hands over cupcake*
Have a good day!
What's this?
*throws confetti in the air*
*dances a bit*
*blows a party horn*
*passes out*
Hello yet again! I'm flattered by not only the fave, but the feature of another story on your page. Thank you!
Wow, thank you very much for watching me, and for featuring Drink Your Milk, Sweetie on your page! I'm seriously flattered.