• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 29th


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Loveless · 9:56pm Sep 29th, 2023

Today I'd like to take a moment to plug Loveless by Alice Oseman. If you're not aro ace like me, you probably won't have as many feelings as I did, and maybe that means you won't enjoy it quite as much, but you will most definitely come out of it with a better understanding of the aro ace experience. (If you are aro ace like me, you'll repeatedly think "That part was kind of uncomfortably familiar," and also if you're like me right now you're thinking "I am literally incapable of

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About Me

When one is ace and aro, it's simple to be just an unremarkable single person. People won't see any reason to assume anything other than what they'd assume by default. It's easy to be invisible, and it's a valid choice to wrap oneself in that camouflage and blend in.

I do not wish to be invisible.

Comments ( 52 )
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*Sees Asexual flag*

Hello fellow Ace,

That's always been my philosophy as well.

It's nice seeing more aces around! :)

Rainbow Borg does the funnies :3

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