ZenithOnce upon a time, Spike went for a walk.by The Descendant
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Spike on StrikeSpike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. But he's not gonna take the blame. Until Twilight starts appreciating him, he goes on strike.by Sarcasmo
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DreamlockedNightmare Moon has returned on the Summer Sun Celebration, and there was nopony to stop her. She forbid the sun from rising ever again and created dreamlocked prisons for those who oppose her. My name is Sweetie Belle, and I just want my sister back!by Prane
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Sparkle's LawTwilight slowly loses her mind as preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration go horribly wrong.by AestheticB
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Past SinsCan Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past?by Pen Stroke
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Hi, Sobriquet! Thanks for reading "Not in Bluff Nor Bravado Nor Loneliness." I'm glad you enjoyed it, and if you've got any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
1644053 Well, I would say that you shouldn't ever give up on him no matter how much he blocks you off, and to always be there for him. Be a friend and a caring soul. That's what I would say.
Hi, Sobriquet! Thanks for reading "Not in Bluff Nor Bravado Nor Loneliness." I'm glad you enjoyed it, and if you've got any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for the fav on The Old Gray Mare!
1644053 Well, I would say that you shouldn't ever give up on him no matter how much he blocks you off, and to always be there for him.
Be a friend and a caring soul. That's what I would say.
I'm glad you enjoyed my story Open Letter. Out of curiosity, how would you reply?
Thanks for the fav!