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- Daisy has only one dream: to go to Canterlot and be a pony fashion model. Although anypony that looks at her face can tell, it's not something that's gonna work out.Sarcasmo · 6.1k words · 20 0 · 938 views
Seal Of Approvaled Stories
Spike on Strike Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. But he's not gonna take the blame. Until Twilight starts appreciating him, he goes on strike. by Sarcasmo 27,984 words · 1,310 · 34
I Daring Do! What if Daring Do did accidently propose to Ahuizotl? After all, the sacred rituals of the ancient Foalmec tribe are pretty hard to understand. by Sarcasmo 6,308 words · 266 · 6
Someone somehwere somehow said these stories were somehwat better than something else.
117 users follow Sarcasmo
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You're one of the first authors I've run into on Fimfic. I really love your story, Spike on Strike (which is the first Spike story I've ever read), and Necromancy Coffee Break is another fic that I think has a great story idea and plot. Remember that your fans are still watching you, and keep writing.
Dear Lord, it really has. Thanks for dousing this barren wasteland that is my user page.
I guess it's a little late, but thank you very much.
I will do my best to maintain a level of kick-assery that is to your liking.
Dude, your stories are kickass! Can't wait to see more, and keep up the awesome work!
I read some of your posts in the Writer's Group forums. I'm finding it pretty useful, you know? Just dropping by to thank you!
hey, nice avatar.
The entire group.
Thank you, though I have to ask: to what do I owe the honor?
We are watching you!