• Member Since 24th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2019



You know what we are missing? · 10:01am May 2nd, 2013

We are missing a serious need for Richard, Lord of Darkness. The great warlock himself and who won us all over with his battle cry 'For Pony!' way before any brony would spout those words. One might even say he was the first of us, the great sage come down to enlighten us all to the wonder of our hoofed overlords.

For those of you left in the dark there exists a very humorous web-comic called Looking for Group. Just go read it- see the awesome that is Richard.

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Comments ( 37 )
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Comment posted by mrkillwolf666 deleted Oct 17th, 2015

Need updates! Like Steven universe is so amazing. He needs to be written about more! Your stories get pretty good reactions so can't wait for more! I'm honestly surprised their are barely any Steven stories, fits the setting. I've always wondered why their are no W.I.T.C.H. Stories either.

Comment posted by mrkillwolf666 deleted Aug 15th, 2015

1790965 Cool. I've yet to update stuff of my own. Thanks for responding.

1780750 Don't worry. The next few chapters are being worked on. I actually have the chap two pretty much done, I just need to get it typed on the sight now and edit for any mistakes.

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