Issues Going On, No Promises Made · 4:17pm Mar 21st, 2020
Long time since I've posted here, but I've been kept very busy the last four days or so.
TL;DR-On work furlough for at least three weeks, I did get one full paycheck coming next week. Past that, I'm burning my remaining PTO for my company's health care, which will last about five months-call it August/September before I have to pay the company for my healthcare every two weeks.
I could help.
The story has hit a fault point that I can't quite get around.
Still trying.
Are you going to post chapter 2 of fusion dance?
I'm quite curious as to what they'll be like.
Thanks for faving The Anthropologist
We'll try not to disappoint
2) After seeing your rant-blog, I think you and Reality Check would get along very well.
Two things. 1)When is the next chapter of Dawn of Dusk Shine planned to be out? (And will it have a happy ending?)