Last night, Dusk Shine-favorite student of Prince Helios and newly ascended alicorn-went to bed in a Ponyville where all of his friends were stallions and a major event was about to happen the next day. When he woke up, Dusk Shine had swapped placed with an alicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle. And, all of the friends and ponies that were male in his Ponyville were now female.
But, with the Princes (or is that Princesses?) coming tomorrow, Dusk Shine has no time to figure out what happened or what went wrong. Preparations need to be made and friends need to be consulted to get ready for the event. After all, everything else was just like his Ponyville. Surely it shouldn't be a problem, right?
A story that is inspired by and runs parallel with One Of Those Days by Taranth.
Proof reading and editing help provided by Door Matt.