• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just a Brit who likes writing fics about ponies (with a very high percentage chance of Trixie turning up).


I cried. A lot · 12:39pm Oct 13th, 2019

Came back for the last three eps and damn if pony still doesn't have some emotional hooks still sunk in deep enough for it to really get me hard.

Of all things 'Lyra + Bonbon' was what got the first tears to come. Lovely nod to the fandom and very much appreciated!

Then the closing song and the book being shut had me in actual floods.

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Comments ( 17 )
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Thank you for the fave on Dense as Diamonds. Please enjoy your purple marshmallow fluff. :raritywink::twilightblush:

I loved your story All for You. Can't wait for the sequel!


The fimfiction server has been messed up all day.

Also probably a good thing as I sent it in a weird mood at work yesterday and it's barely coherent at best :derpytongue2:

I also didn't mention the thing I actually meant to actually tell you about. Don't know if you've read my recent blog about revisiting By Royal Command once more, but as part of that I've also now included a plug for your Waiting for Celestia in the story description :pinkiehappy:

(Admittedly I should have done that ages back, but hey)

I keep getting server errors when I try to access your message. You can email it to me at jb393204 (at) gmail.

Thanks for adding my story Certain Advantages to your bookshelf! I'm glad that you could enjoy the piece... despite all of the bungholery!:trollestia:

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