• Member Since 31st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


"You're ala. You're doing the worst things but you're the best at them." —Myse

My Stories, please read...I mean, if you want to.


About Meh

Me? Sci Fi geek. Computer guru. Long time non-fandom furry. Sort of a scientist.

I like shipping humans with ponies...I guess I'm like Fred from Galaxy Quest: I could totally fall for a betentacled person with a nice personality. So really, having dirty thoughts about ponies is actually pretty tame for me.

Trixie is best pone. Followed by Fluttershy.

I write horribly nonlinearly: I make extensive outlines and backgrounds, then fill in chapters at random as I get inspired to do so. I am trying to work on this, to at least be able to write linearly and more spontaneously.


Vote Alamais for Your New God!

you know
as bad as it would be
yeah, I'd support ala for godhood

Raving Endorsements!

"ala, I love you, but you are going to hell" —fourths again, actually.

"ala is the most chaotic neutral person i've ever known" —Flod¥.

"Ala is equal parts hilarious and frustrating" —Phoenix Kitten

"it makes me nervous when you use punctuation" —Floydi🐔 again :D

"Ala is a horse philanderer." —Senator fourths

"Why didn't I think you could make it worse." —Nev

"I'm scared to ask what ala did" —Veo

"greased whith what? ... you disgust me" —david

"'dripping like an alamais' brain' is very popular dirty talk among the masses" —Cinna

"ala is obviously malware" —Veo, Redux

What I've Been Working On

Work, really. Work-work. I think if I'm likely to write anything soon, it would be in the same 'verse as EVA, or possibly something entirely new...

I have to admit that Princess Celestia is an Ice Road Trucker seems unlikely to happen. Been too long since my IRT binge, and I've got too much other media floating around in my head now... Maybe some year.

I think Advent Redemption has been stalled for so long because I really don't like the latter part of its outline. I'm just not sure where to take it.


Black Lives Matter · 9:22pm Jun 7th, 2020

Oh, well.

Hadn't checked the site for a while. I've mostly been blithering on Discord, and elsewhere shutting up, signal boosting, and spreading moeyns around since I'm fairly white, very privileged, and have minimal platform/audience anyway. Buuut, what with the combination of greater-world and fandom-local current events, I guess at the least this is its own form of signal-boost in this particular microcosm.

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Report alamais · 312 views · #black lives matter
Comments ( 24 )
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Glad you 'ad a giggle, m8

If you dont stop being a tab hoarder were gonna have to change your operating system to Linux

We're here for you, don't worry, we can get you the help you need

It's okay to be a tab hoarder.

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