• Member Since 21st Aug, 2016
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Nancy Janeist


How White Chocolate Almost Ruined Everything · 2:10pm Feb 5th, 2022

Do you like deep lore? How about meta-lore? It should come as no surprise that over the course of three years writing daily, plans can change a lot. This is a story about how things once were going to go, which I rambled about a few weeks ago in discord and figured I'd do a deeper dive on here, to record it for posterity and because I don't post enough blogs and bet it'll make for a decent yarn. It should go without saying, but there will be a lot of TOW meta-spoilers for how things could have

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Report Czar_Yoshi · 446 views · Story: The Olden World ·

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

I asked someone to draw Valey for me since I like her:

That sounds about right. I also made a blog entry a while ago with detailed spoiler-free descriptions of some of TOW's main cast that you might find useful for reference.

I've got that covered. I was going to have Valey drawn since I like her a lot. A batpony with charcoal black fur, emerald green slitted eyes with a long green mane, wears a black beret and has a red glove as a cutie mark. Did I describe her well or miss anything?

Feel free, though I wouldn't pay for it.

Hello, do you mind getting a commission of one of your characters if I ask an artist to draw it with your permission?

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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