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Time flies when you are procrastinating · 10:53am Apr 12th, 2020

It will be a year soon since I put Shadow And The Heart on hiatus. I never though it would be on hold for that long, but well, procrastination. Anyway, since I'm on lock down with most of the world, I thought this would be a good time to get back to it. Before I start on any new chapters, I'm going to read over the story so far and see if anything needs touching up, beyond basic grammar and the like.

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Hey, we're friends now.


ug lee

Thanks for the follow, I really appreciate it!

Good enough not to fast not to slow. Can't wait for the full one to finish.

Thanks for taking the time, I forgot to add that chapter was only a rough draft so there was likely some grammar errors I missed, or entire sentences. :facehoof: Sometimes...all the time, when I type my fingers don't keep up with my mind so I end up repeating words and the sentence just become a mess.

In your option how was the pacing?

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