I'm moving on from pony fiction · 6:28am Sep 16th, 2024
I haven't been on this site for quite a while—for any meaningful length of time, I should say—but today, I've come to finally to close up shop, so to speak. I've finally cancelled the last story I had on this site, 'Shadow and the Heart.' For the longest time, I planned to finish that story, but as I've grown as a writer, I've lost interest in fanfiction. I reread the story the other day, and while I still enjoy much of what I wrote, I also see how much work it would need to fix it, and that is
Hey, we're friends now.
ug lee
Thanks for the follow, I really appreciate it!
Good enough not to fast not to slow. Can't wait for the full one to finish.
Sometimes...all the time, when I type my fingers don't keep up with my mind so I end up repeating words and the sentence just become a mess.
Thanks for taking the time, I forgot to add that chapter was only a rough draft so there was likely some grammar errors I missed, or entire sentences.
In your option how was the pacing?