• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Horse words - consumer of many, producer of none.


AI shipping · 7:45pm Nov 14th, 2019

So was playing around with Talk to Transformer and gave it the prompt "Twilight Sparkle is" and here's what it wrote.

Twilight Sparkle is so incredibly awesome! She can turn into a dragon, she can make other ponies turn into animals, she can fly, and she can make friends! What more could you ask for?"

Twilight Sparkle: "I'm sorry about this, but...I'm really, really tired."

Applejack: "Oh, yeah. You're the best, Twilight."

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Comments ( 28 )
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Thank you for the favorites on Your Faithful Disciple and The Dreamer and Me.

Giant God bless. God loves you, now, and forever.

Thanks for the watch, might I ask how I earned it? :heart:

Hey, thanks for the follow and favorite! Deuces!

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