• Member Since 30th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Mister E

Eclectic observer of the odd, and the esoteric.

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For All Things Quixotic...


Happy Halloween! · 3:08pm Oct 31st, 2021

It's that time of year again. I hope everyone has been making the most of it! :pinkiehappy:
For fans of Rot, if you haven't already listened to it, check out Luna Farrowe's audio reading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXEhgTO86ic
I cannot recommend her works highly enough. It creeps ME out, and I was the guy that wrote it.lol
Also, I have a new short story to offer up. Just a little something to set the holiday mood.
It's called Efficiency. Hope you like it.:yay:

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