• Member Since 31st Dec, 2012
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"You're ala. You're doing the worst things but you're the best at them." —Myse

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'You' are Rainbow Dash.

You and the girls are all in stasis, headed to Cepheus Prime for some routine diplomatic talks.

...So why did everything just go dark?

Written for Zaponator's "Aliens!" Fic Contest Thingy of Great Justice.
Thanks to Fourths for pre-reading.

Chapters (23)

After thousands of years, a human has been returned to EarthTerra, to meet the new inhabitants. Is he a threat? A friend? A demigod from out of ancient history? He sure as hell doesn't know. Out in the darkness, something ancient, corrupt, and hungry is stirring. This reluctant Creator had better get it together, and soon.

An Advent Rising (video game) Crossover story, continuing the story of Gideon Wyeth after the annoying game ending. No definite update schedule. At all. I am still working on it, though.

I'll warn ahead of time: I'm going to ship Gideon and Trixie. Yup.

Oh and I highly recommend buying the soundtrack (see cover art source link, also available on iTunes). I'm going to be listening to bits of it when I write. So. Epic.

Chapters (9)

This is a far-flung side story based in a metaverse I’m working on. My inspiration was this overwhelmingly cute Derpy pic. She’s so cuddly-looking, I suddenly wanted to write a story with lots of Derpy cuddling. This is what came of that. ... Yeah, I dunno why it came out the way it did, either…I write weird stuff.

A very strange, pseudo-technical science fiction story, with an OC human and Derpy Hooves. Dark, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. The Prologue and Report sections are probably rather awful to get through unless you’re a crazy science & science fiction geek like me, but the Agent Commentary explains some of the more important parts. Hopefully the main ‘story’ part of it, the Observation Log, makes up for it.

This is not the first piece I've written, but it's the first I'm submitting.
Criticism, corrections, etc. welcomed.

Chapters (4)