• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen June 8th


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Some bad news · 5:10am May 7th, 2014

(MW:E tagged because it is the most effected.)

Alright, so a month ago, my computer suffered a mechanical failure in the hard drive. I've built a new one since, and tried to get some kind of recovery from the old hdd to get all my work back.

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Report faktopus · 655 views · Story: Mechwarrior: Equestria ·
Comments ( 37 )
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Thank you so much for adding The New Guard to your garrison! May Jupiter watch over your steps, the sun of Celestia guide your path, and the moon of Luna comfort you in the darkest of nights. :eeyup:

Many thanks for faving Swords and Magic

Thanks for following Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my blogs. Also, be sure to check out the Man of War Group for more!

Brony on!

Huh no updates for a long"ass" time, are the stories dead?, plz say no!!:fluttercry:

Thank you for the fave :yay:

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