• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen March 11th



Good news everyone..... · 2:09am Apr 8th, 2014

My computer is working again....for now. But that dose mean I can be in contact with people again. Also I turned 25 today....I feel old. But I'm doing ell. I faact i did a new gmod image just to celebrate my computer working again.

Enjoy everyone.

Report nintendogeek7065 · 301 views ·
Comments ( 15 )
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Happy Birthday Geek!!! :pinkiehappy:


I found someone else besides me who actually LIKES Path of Radiance?!

Well met, then. :twilightsmile:

The change will occur with not only the Warrior's losing their memories but with the loss of the 012 characters. But come the 13th cycle the Warriors will do rotations of protecting Equestria. So that every hero can get their crystal. Plus there will be more of the ponies venturing out into World B and meeting more of the Chaos warriors and the Cosmos Warriors meeting the villains of MLP.

thanks for the fav! Fire emblem love incoming! :rainbowkiss:

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